Friday, March 02, 2007

SFH trade exit

This one was in my super fund. I exited last week for a 60% profit. The system could do with a little work since I think I found a minor bug in the position sizing approach whilst using Amibroker's Bar Replay feature.

I have 2 portfolios. I trade using a company and I also trade a SMSF with 4 members. In my company I have only made one transaction, the MBP sell below, this year. The super fund has been a little more active lately. I only report on my investment company performance on this blog.

I noticed the media beat-up on the recent "market crash". I have been a little busy lately. Since I have a weekly system don't even need to watch the markets mid week. I find that the best thing to do is not to watch the market more than I need to and ignore the media reports.



Anonymous said...

Hi stevo, thanks for the info on how you got started. It seeems I have a lot to learn yet, I don't even understand some of the things you mention here! Do you post your current buys here or are they all stocks from the past?
thanks hambone

stevo said...

I usually don't post trades in progress, only completed trades. For starters I don't want to be seen to be giving advice on a particluar stock.

If someone reads the blog and learns something that's great.