Friday, January 22, 2010


Whilst the market does what the market does I have been working on a few things of late.

Firstly I have turned comments off on the blog from (except for registered users) for the moment because of the spam that started to fly around.

I have also started implementing Praemium to see how it goes keeping track of trades and bank accounts. So far the trade recording has been great, with trades showing up in my online portfolio without me touching a keyboard. If the banklink side goes to plan I will should have very little paperwork to contend with.

I have also been dabbling in computers. I built an AMD based machine (Athlon X4 620, 8gb ram, 64gb ramdrive, 500gb hard drive) for around $800.

The most fun has been running Windows XP in a VirtualBox, with the physical computer loaded up with Ubuntu 9.1 (karmic koala). So I can run Amibroker or TradeSim on a virtual machine but have access to the free software that comes with the Linux distribution.

The screen-shot shows Tradesim and Amibroker running. I captured the screen whilst rotating it in Ubuntu. I will also be trialling Windows 7 on a virtual machine, although I am pondering as to whether I should get 64 bit Amibroker.

With trading systems I am still starting up my monthly time frame system for my super fund - it takes a while to get change over from one system to another. 2009 was a good trading year and many traders would have profited from the strength of the market.



Unknown said...

hello stevo,

I wish to talk to you personally about your mechanical stuff and I think it is more appropriate to talk to you over an email. Do you have an email account?

Unknown said...

and I almost forgot........

this is my email